The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


Attention! My blog is moving to my website in early January 2016. If you are receiving daily emails about this blog you will continue to receive them after the switch. Until then, you might want to head on over to my new blog here!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's Time for the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge!

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It's been a great year but hard to believe it's almost over! The holidays are upon us which means it's time for another 30 Day Challenge beginning January 1st.
This is the seventh 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge that I have hosted and I am excited! Last time we had over 1500 artists (in 27 countries) participating. Will you be joining me this time? I don't have a theme yet but will have one by the 1st. 

I have a lot of great workshops scheduled in 2016. I will be teaching in Cape Cod, Richmond, South Pasadena and Ventura. Click here for more information! I am also offering Online Studio painting classes every month. Join me each month as we paint traditional oil paintings and abstract paintings with a palette knife. Click here to sign up.


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