Today was one of those days ... I spent the early morning hanging ten paintings for a show in San Marino at Studio Physique. When I got home and signed on to my blog I find that I have been awarded three blog awards today. What a nice surprise!
The first award titled "A Passion For Painting" (appropriate title for my blog!) came from Liz Holm who is a multi-talented painter. She has oil, pastels and watercolors on her blog. She does wonderful portraits but be sure to check out her watercolor rose. I think the most incredible painting on her blog is the painting called Look Up. Absolutely stunning. This award, created by Kim Ratigan, requires the recipient to list 7 things we love, and to pass the award along to another 7 passionate painters.
Irit Bourla also gave me this award. She has a wonderful blog titled Paintings By Irit Bourla. She is a self taught artist and features people in most of her paintings. The colors she uses are wonderful.
So, I need to list the seven things I love. That's easy ...
1. my husband and my three sons.
2. that wonderful feeling you get when you look at a just completed painting and wonder "how did I paint that?".
3. my newly completed craft room (and new master bath and closet!).
4. tivo.
5. watching my boys play sports ... even if it means driving like a maniac to three different games on the same day, at the same time, at three different locations.
6. my extended family. I am blessed with four amazing siblings and parents who raised us all to always strive for the best and enjoy life to the fullest. My husband's family is also wonderful.
7. my motto - "always enjoy every day ... because you only get once chance to enjoy today!"
I was also nominated for a Lemonade Award. This award came from Kathleen Krucoff who has a wonderful blog titled Reflections of a Glass Artist. Her work is amazing and she makes the most wonderful jewelry. Be sure to check out her blog! A Lemonade Award is given to bloggers that show a positive attitude and gratitude. I think it also exemplifies people who have a willingness to share their ideas, support and online friendship.
So ... the seven blogs that I nominate for the "A Passion for Painting Award" are:
1. Elusive Hues by Oriana Kacicek - the Tiffany boxes she paints are the most incredible paintings. One of these amazing paintings was my first painting purchased from a blog and I love it! You should see the Peanut Butter and Jelly painting my sister in law bought!
2. Carol Marine's Painting a Day - what can I say? She is only 30 years old and brilliant. Still hoping she will teach a workshop in So. Cal. soon!
3. Karen Bruson - I found her through a link somewhere and I love her paintings. The colors (exquisite blues, reds, pinks, etc.) are amazing. I had guessed that she had studied with Carol Marine and I was right! Be sure to click on her blog!
4. Painting My Way Through Life by Marc Hanson. Marc taught me everything I know! His stories about painting in the Minnesota winters are priceless. I like to tease him about So. Cal. weather ...
5. Bill Guffey. He inspired me to try my new "underpainting" technique. Now, I know this has been used for centuries and I am a bit behind ... but thanks for the inspiration!
6. Marian Fortunati is a very talented painter with a very fun blog. I love her comments and she is a huge inspiration to me!
7. John Harrell - I love his reflections in his paintings!
I will nominate ten blogs for the Lemonade award tomorrow ... I promise!
Wow, you have had quite the day. How wonderful for you. May you have great success at the show at Studio Physique. And thank you for the kind words about my work too.
Good luck at the show.Let us know how was it.
Your work is beautiful.You were just too tired.
And many thanks for your sweet and nice words about me.
The rhythm in this with the arches and umbrellas leads me right in and keeps me interested. Then I wander around admiring your knife work. Beautiful! Could you loan me those fairies?
Love the color combo here, with just a touch of compliment to set it off.
Congrats on the well deserved recognition!
Congratulations for your many well deserved awards, Leslie. I love the Julienne's painting - it has a great feel to it with it's cool shadows and warm sunlight - beautiful!
I have looked at several of your paintings and they are very impressive.A nice blending of the colors.The 12" canvas must really make it interesting to look in closely at it.Thank you for sharing.
Hey Leslie!!! Thanks for the award and the kudos. I think you learned despite me, but I'll take the reference with pride. :)
Your work, this one included, has blossomed into something wonderful.
But then you have sun and heat!!! :(
Congratulations on the well deserved awards and Good luck with the show.
And thank you for the award. I have also been graced with a couple of those lately and will attend to them ASAP. I truly appreciate your consideration. Thank you.
Keep up the good work. Your hard work is paying off.
I like this too...lovely light and shadow.
You deserve all these awards, your work is so beautiful.
Ditto what the others have said about your work, Leslie. Beautiful stuff. Thanks for the award. You deserve all those you received and more.
Your shadow color in this one is beautiful. Love the effect you have with the paint.
Leslie, Thank you so much for the award and all your support. Your paintings are beautiful and inspiring.
Yeah I think the painting fairies fixed it. The white of the building is dazzling and gets at the brightness perfectly. I want to borrow them after Kim is done!
congratulations, Leslie! All very well-deserved! Your paintings and your words are all inspirational. Thanks for your very kind comments.
Thank you so much Leslie! It is an honor to be mentioned here. And might I say, this painting is indeed quite lovely. :)
Love the colors in this one!
From the turquoise awnings to the powder blue ground.
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