The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


Attention! My blog is moving to my website in early January 2016. If you are receiving daily emails about this blog you will continue to receive them after the switch. Until then, you might want to head on over to my new blog here!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day Ten

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"Having a Ball"
Oil, 6" x 6"
Click here to purchase.

Day ten. Technically that means we are one third of the way done. Yay!

Now that we have reached our first milestone I think it is important to reflect on what we have learned from this challenge so far. Painting for 30 days is not about creating 30 masterpieces to sell. It's literally impossible to paint your best when you undertake a challenge like this. Rather, it's about the process we have to go through to paint a painting every day.

Many of of us struggle when it comes to finding something to use as an inspiration for a painting. We all have hundreds of photos that we have looked at over and over and yet nothing jumps out at us. But, when faced with the task of 30 paintings in 30 days, all of a sudden it's as if my photos are jumping out at me saying "pick me!, pick me!". I suddenly have ten photos waiting at my easel that I am excited to paint from. And they have been in my photo file for years.

How many of you have also discovered this?

I am also much more efficient when it comes to painting, I literally go to my easel, do a quick sketch and start painting within a few minutes. The paint seems to just flow off my knife. Suddenly all of my distractions and delays are no longer there! I feel so much more efficient when I am painting.

When faced with a Challenge we are more focused and excited about reaching our goal. What you will learn this month will help you all year. You will have an easier time painting those masterpieces.

Congratulations for wanting to do this challenge and for understanding why we are all doing this. We are developing great training and skills to take us to the next level. Now go out and enjoy painting the next ten!

Today's painting is one of the ball jars I bought at the Ventura Antique Market. I have these all over the house in Ventura and I absolutely love them!

I start teaching next week and still have some openings in a few of my workshop. Feel free to email me if you are interested!
My upcoming workshops:
Jan 14 - 16 - Palette Knife Painting, South Pasadena, CA
Jan 20 - Building a website in a Day, Ventura, CA
Feb 3 - 5, Painting in Paradise at the Beach, Ventura, CA
Feb 10 - 12, Palette Knife Painting, Atlanta, GA

Check out the website for our new beach house in Ventura, Ca. I am now teaching workshops at the beach and renting out the house. Come stay and paint with me! I have workshops scheduled in the next twelve months in South Pasadena, Ventura Beach, Newport Beach, Charlotte, NC, and Atlanta, Ga. Click here for more information!


Sea Dean - Paint a Masterpiece said...

One of the things that help me stay organized with the 30 Paintings in 30 days, is blogging ahead. I copy and paste as much as possible and then slot in the works as I create them. I have most of the rest of the month blogged already which frees up a lot of time to enjoy creating.

cath carbone said...

Belle composition, superbe!


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