"A Great Day"
Oil, 6" x 6" framed.
I am posting this painting because it is one of my favorites and the title is a PERFECT description of my day today! Thanks to all my girlfriends for a wonderful lunch, thanks to my husband and son for a wonderful dinner, thanks to my friends and family for all of the wonderful wishes and gifts and thanks to all of you for the many, many birthday wishes on my blog and facebook! And of course, thanks to the LAKERS for beating the Celtics! A great day all around!
And now ... the big news ... I did the drawing and from all of the comments from the past seven days (119 total) the lucky winner of the painting is Carol DeMumbrum!!!!!!!
I had a blast giving all of these items away this week and I do hope you all will continue to comment on my blog. I will offer a give away on my blog every few weeks ... so keep up your comments ...