The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just Sailed Past Boston- SOLD

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"Just Sailed Past Boston"
Oil, 8" x 8" on canvas panel.
Hmmm ... what an interesting title for this painting. What could it possibly mean?
Ok, I will give you a couple of hints ...
1.  I have been extremely quiet since a really big event occurred on Thursday night.
2.  I used a very limited palette in this painting ... purple and gold ...
3.  The painting depicts an event that involved a group of about 12 men (and a coach) who basically... "sailed past boston"...

Sorry Celtic fans. I couldn't resist ... and if anyone has Kobe's address please send it to me. I would gladly send this to him as a gift. Thanks Lakers for a great year and back to back national championships.


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