The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


Attention! My blog is moving to my website in early January 2016. If you are receiving daily emails about this blog you will continue to receive them after the switch. Until then, you might want to head on over to my new blog here!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Treading Water - SOLD

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"Treading Water"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel.
Ahhh ... the weekend is almost over and aside from being exhausted I am getting ready to leave tomorrow to take my son to two baseball camps! I am painting away today with hopes that I can get ahead of schedule. I will take my paints with me (I mean come on, you can only watch so much baseball, right?) as I hope to get more of my daily smaller paintings done.
My "Summer Special" is going very well. I said I would only offer 10 of these large (but very inexpensive) paintings and I have already sold six! So if you want one, please email me right away. They are keeping me very busy and I cant wait to get back to work on them when I return back in town!


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