The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


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Monday, June 14, 2010

Great Ideas Are Worth Sharing

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New easels that are now included with all of my small paintings.

One of the great things about meeting other artists is the "idea sharing" that happens. I have a small group of artists that I have become very close with (Dreama Tolle Perry, Julie Hill and Kelley Sanford) and we share ideas all of the time. In fact, the really good ideas are copied by all of us.
A few months ago Dreama had a great idea to offer to include a small easel with her small 6" x 6" paintings. Then Julie Hill found a wonderful wholesale place to buy the easels and each of us found an easel we liked. They arrived today and we are now both offering an easel with our small daily paintings.
Thanks to my dear art buddies for their great ideas!

On another note, all of the information on the September workshop I am teaching with Dreama is on my website. To give you a little idea of what we are up to, read this:
"This workshop combines daily painting instruction with evening fireside chats.  During the day we will work hard to become better painters.  We will talk a lot about color and highlight Dreama's amazing brushwork and Leslie's skilfull palette knife techniques.  We will push you out of your comfort zone and at the same time bring to the surface all the reasons you love to paint.  We will help you bring out the joy in your art.  And that's just the days....after an evening gourmet meal prepared by Leslie, we  will settle in for sharing, brainstorming and taking time to ask the questions you have been longing to ask about your art--questions you have never had a chance to ask or were maybe afraid too....".
We hope you will join us!


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